Vision Statement:
Our vision is to Know God, Build relationships/ministries, and Connect to the community. |
Know God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) and grow in our relationship with God in/through Jesus Christ
Through worship and discipleship opportunities along with our own spiritual disciplines in our personal devotional time we can come to understand and know more about God. We can not follow someone we do not know. Build relationships and ministries that are built upon Biblical principles Through fellowship, adult, youth and children ministries, visitation, and providing opportunities to serve and use our gifts we can focus on God and God’s Word living through us to create relationships and ministries that honor God. Connect to the community Missions and outreach to our local and global communities by giving our time, energy, and resources to help our communities experience the love of God in a practical way. |
The purpose of KBC shall be to glorify God and advance the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. The church shall seek to attain this through evangelistic outreach, edification of the body, public worship and consistent Christian living. This church shall provide a climate in which personal worship of God, spiritual growth and fellowship occur. It will challenge Christians to be faithful stewards of all God's resources.
Kingwood Baptist Church has a strong believe that reaching children for Christ is an important goal and the cornerstone of the purpose that drives a church family. With this in mind the cornerstone of the church is in fact the "Childrens Block" which serves as a reminder of this important calling.